I've used OW since the mid 1990's (Version 10.6) as my only programming environment. All of my code is C++, other than a very small amount of inline assembly and a handful of assembly modules. I do not use templates and I do not use the language's structured exception handling. Nor do I use the C library for much. I use my own string handling subsystem.
All of this is for IPDOS (tm), which is a "piggyback operating system" that runs on top of the base O.S. (currently MS Windows) as a daemon (Windows Service). Here are the executable sizes of what you get when you install IPDOS (tm):
Directory of I:\ideafarm.home.101\ephemeral\domains\com\ideafarm\city\park\exedll\1\master
2015-04-21 04:20 <DIR> .
2015-04-21 04:20 <DIR> ..
2015-04-21 04:20 27,136 ideafarm.41000002.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 30,720 ideafarm.41000003.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 212,753 ideafarm.51000359.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 908,075 ideafarm.510004fb.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 290,114 ideafarm.5100050e.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 210,498 ideafarm.51000511.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 243,545 ideafarm.5100057b.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 192,981 ideafarm.510005a9.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 226,651 ideafarm.510005d2.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 250,100 ideafarm.510005ea.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 208,131 ideafarm.51000619.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 45,056 ideafarm.51000620.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 231,068 ideafarm.51000621.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 214,806 ideafarm.51000622.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 343,568 ideafarm.51000651.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 277,303 ideafarm.510006d9.ipdos-wm
2015-04-21 04:20 1,149,440 ideafarm.81000001.ipdos-wl
2015-04-21 04:20 18,560,000 ideafarm.81000001.ipdos-wm
18 File(s) 23,621,945 bytes
2 Dir(s) 182,404,153,344 bytes free
The IPDOS (tm) system consists of the first two files plus the last file. 41000002 is a stub executable that is launched for every IPDOS (tm) process other than a GUI process. 41000003 is the stub executable for GUI processes. (It is currently not used because I am in the middle of rewriting the Graphics Presentation Subsystem.) 81000001 is a DLL that contains all of IPDOS (tm) system functionality. Each of the other files is a DLL that defines a particular IPDOS (tm) application. Every instance of 41000002 (or 41000003) initializes itself and then dynamically loads a single application DLL that is specified on the command line.
IPDOS (tm) updates itself automatically, so I care a lot about file size. At present, my focus is on restoring the robustness of the debugger (WDW.EXE) which currently leaves much to be desired. The next priority is to support and encourage the work that Jiri (and others) (?) are doing to port OW to 64-bit and to Linux. But small executable sizes used to be one of the signature features of this wonderful toolset and I hope to keep that objective on the table.