On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 20:27:50 -0500, Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuirePost by Paul S PersonOn Wed, 22 Aug 2018 14:24:31 -0500, Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuireHow do you look at the contents of a std::string in OW debugger ?
Specifically, the string itself rather than just the first character.
It's been a long time since I debugged C++.
However, if you can see the first character, are you, by any chance,
looking at an ASCII string (a char * of some sort)?
If so, then right-clicking on what I presume is a data member,
selecting "Type", and selecting "String" might work. It does in C.
I wish, the String type is greyed out.
The Debugger Guide lists a bunch of Type options I never see since
they are for C++; but it is not clear which are available when.
So, then, how does Show perform?
In C, it allows you to see the memory. This is not ideal; it uses the
usual hex display, with the characters shown on the right; but it can
be useful at times.
Post by Lynn McGuireI write all of my new code in either F77 or C++, depending on the
situation. C just does not get it for me anymore.
I wish I could find an older project of mine that uses <string>, but,
for some reason, I can't. It's been too long, I guess. I can't even
remember which data member you might be looking at!
Frank Beythian initiated wgml and he did it in C, so I am working in C
now. I think this was a good idea, for it really doesn't need C++
(well, Classes would be very nice in a few places), and using C avoids
endless arguments over whether or not it is truly object-oriented
which using C++ has been known to invite.
"I begin to envy Petronius."
"I have envied him long since."